I’m Will Adams and I’m the sole proprietor of Honey Brook Tools and Woodworks based in Barre, Vermont, USA. I started my work as a full-time tool maker in March of this year after resigning my job as an elementary school teacher in January of 2022.

I practice a hybrid woodworking approach to my toolmaking with my wood lathe being the primary machine used in my work flow. Beyond that, the majority of my work is with hand tools. I offer marking knives, dovetail marking knives, awls, winding sticks, marking gauges, split-nut screwdrivers, sliding bevel gauges, wooden try squares, and small bench or carver’s mallets.

I appreciate and draw inspiration from simple, classic designs. I have a variety of vintage turnscrews and have always been struck by how the handle designs feel good in the hand and are also aesthetically pleasing. For me it’s important that the tools we use not only be highly functional but also be aesthetically pleasing and inspirational. As artisans that’s what we do, we combine function and aesthetic appeal. Having hand tools that work flawlessly, feel good in the hand, and are aesthetically pleasing and inspirational is a great starting point for great work.

All of my tools are unconditionally guaranteed to live up to these ideals. If they don’t, you can simply return them at my expense for a replacement or full refund.

I’m eager to get to know folks here in the Vintage Tool Patch and hope you will appreciate and bid on my offerings!

Stalk Will on his Instagram, or if you’re looking for a customized set of tools, please get in touch with Will@HoneyBrookTools.com.

A tool set in rosewood and maple

Rosewood Tool Set

Honduran mahogany and birdseye maple

Mahogany Tool Set

Winding sticks

Winding Sticks

Inlaying winding sticks

Inlaying Winding Sticks

Marking knife

Marking Knife

Birdcage awl

Birdcage Awl

Scratch awl

Scratch Awl

Split nut drivers

My split nut drivers are sized to fit Lie-Nielsen and Jared Green saws.

Split Nut Drivers

Wooden try square

Try Square

Curly maple tool set

Tools In Maple

Mallet set

A carving mallet and bench mallet in birch.

Birch Mallet Set

Walnut tool set

Featuring a dovetail knife for marking out pins between tails, this is done in curly walnut with curly maple.

Walnut Tool Set

Honduran rosewood tool set

Another Rosewood Tool Set