Archivist's Toolchest
Rather than talk about one of my own projects, this week I’m going to recommend checking out Mattias Hallin’s Archivist’s Tool Chest. Last Thursday Mattias gave an absolutely magnificent presentation. He not only explained how he built the chest, but his rationale for choosing an Anarchist’s Tool Chest style chest. He also gave a wonderful insight into pragmatic hand tool techniques.
He covers his wood selection, stock preparation (all by hand). Mattias’s practices the style of woodwork I love. Don’t sweat exact dimensions. Work to straight enough, flat enough, and transfer measurements from reality.
The talk is filled with little nugget’s of wisdom. I plan to adopt his use of the “curly cue” (not sure I’m even spelling that right). A face mark that also indicates planing direction.
Even if you have no intention of ever building a tool chest, I recommend watching. Its filled with solid instruction on hand tool woodworking that can benefit any project.
If I have managed to tempt you, give it a watch here. If you enjoy it there is a great writeup that goes into more detail on his tool organisation here. If you like the finish on the chest, Mattias has also written in detail on how he uses Linseed Oil paint here
The Tool Chest in all its glory
The Curly Cue, the piggy tail indicates planing direction
Saw tills and chisel racks
Mattis’s approach allows for a staggering amount of tools to be stored in the chest